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###### tags: `services` # Awesome ISC-PIF, a list of ISC-PIF services You can access these services by using your **ISC-PIF LDAP account**. If you don't have an ISC-PIF account, [**follow the process to ask for an LDAP account**](https://iscpif.fr/apply-for-a-services-account/?lang=en). You can check the status of these services from our [status](https://status.iscpif.fr) page. ## Account managment & support #### Support and discussion for all ISC-PIF services: [help.iscpif.fr](http://help.iscpif.fr) To post the help forum, you can also send a mail to [help.iscpif.fr](mailto:help@iscpif.fr) (you should be registred on [discourse](https://discourse.iscpif.fr)). #### LDAP password recovery: [password.iscpif.fr](https://password.iscpif.fr) ## Communication #### Forum: [discourse.iscpif.fr](https://discourse.iscpif.fr) #### Internal maling list To communicate with all residents you can post mails to [residents@iscpif.fr](mailto:residents@iscpif.fr) It posts to the [residents forum on discourse](https://discourse.iscpif.fr/c/residents) (you have to belong to the residents group on discourse, if not ask for it on [help](#support-and-discussion-for-all-isc-pif-services-helpiscpiffr)) ## Collaborative work #### Cloud for file sharing and collaborative agenda: [nextcloud.iscpif.fr](https://nextcloud.iscpif.fr) #### Collaborative markdown documents: [hackmd.iscpif.fr](https://hackmd.iscpif.fr) #### Project managment: [board.iscpif.fr](https://board.iscpif.fr) #### Software forge (git): [gitlab.iscpif.fr](https://gitlab.iscpif.fr) ## Computing services #### Multivac Data Science Lab: Spark Notebook: http://zeppelin.multivacplatform.org/ Hadoop UI: https://hue.multivacplatform.org/ Spec: * Cloudera 6.3: Hadoop 3.0/Spark 2.4 * Apache Zeppelin / Hue (hosted notebooks) * Supported languages: Scala, Python, R and SQL * 1600 vCpu, 3.2TB RAM, 120TB HDFS More info: * https://iscpif.fr/2017/09/introducing-multivac-data-science-lab/ * https://multivacplatform.org/ ## Data and Visualisation services #### Multivac Dashboards: https://multivacplatform.org/dashboards #### Multivac APIs: https://multivacplatform.org/api-docs/ * Access to over 2 billion data in real-time ## Services accessible on demand To access these services you should make a request on [services](https://iscpif.fr/demander-lacces-aux-services/). * Have a discourse forum for a project * Site audiance monitoring based on piwik * Access to grid access with more than 4000 computing cores, ask on discourse (mention Romain Reuillon @reuillon) * Access to ISC-PIF open-stack cloud service, first register [on the open-stack server](https://registration.lal.in2p3.fr/) then ask to be assigned to a computing group on discourse (mention Maziyar PANAHI @mpanahi) * Ask for new *free and open-source software* services hosting ## Other services This section represents services that require no authentication or they have their own authentication system: #### Community Explorer The [Community Explorer](http://communityexplorer.org) is the international online directory for the complex systems community. Developped and maintained by ISC-PIF, is embed advanced visualisation tools to map your scientific community. You will need to register with a Doors login if you don't have one yet. _ISC-PIF residents are invited to add to the list of their interest group the tags #residentisc__ (to appear in the directory of ISC-PIF residents) __and #iscpif__ (to appear in the directory of ISC-PIF network) #### Crowdsoursing [crowdsourcing.iscpif.org](http://crowdsourcing.iscpif.org/) A web service to collaboratively tag or classify digital object : images, texts, links. #### Search engine: [search.iscpif.fr](https://search.iscpif.fr)